Do You Need a Lawyer for Small Claims Court California?

Exploring your options

In the state of California, Small Claims Court is a place where people can settle smaller disputes in a simple, fast, and less formal way than traditional courts. Many people are in dilemma of choice whether if they need a lawyer to help them in Small Claims Court or not. In most small claim cases, you do not need a lawyer, but there are situations where having one could be helpful. This article will explain, when it is good idea to hire a lawyer, the advantages or disadvantages of representing yourself with and without lawyer, and what you should think about when deciding if you need an attorney.

How to file a Small Claim in California without a lawyer

How to file a Small Claim in California without a lawyer

In the state of California filing a small claim without a lawyer is a straightforward process. The steps are made to be simple and easy for anyone to follow:

Identify your claim

First, make sure your claim is eligible for small claims court. In California, for example, individuals can sue for up to $12,500, while businesses can sue for up to $6,250. Small claims cases usually involve things like unpaid debts, damage to property, or breach of contract. Make sure your claim fits within the limits of small claims court.

Prepare your case

To build your case, gather all the documents and evidence you will need to support your claim. This could include receipts, contracts, photos, or witness statements. The evidence you collect will help prove your side of the story in court. Make sure your documents are well-organized so that you can present them clearly to the judge.

File your claim

You can file your claim in California by visiting your local small claims court. In some counties, you might even be able to file online. You'll need to fill out some forms, including the Plaintiff's Claim and Order to Go to Small Claims Court (Form SC-100 in California), and pay a filing fee. The fee typically ranges from $30 to $75, depending on how much money you are asking for in your claim.

Serve the defendant

Once your claim is filed in California small claims court, you need to officially notify the other person or business (the defendant) that you are taking them to court. This process is called "serving" the defendant, and it must be done in a specific way. You can hire a process server, ask the sheriff's office to serve the papers, or have someone over the age of 18 who is not involved in the case serve the papers for you.

Prepare for court

Since you would not have a lawyer with you, it is important to be prepared to explain your case to the judge on your own. Practice telling your side of the story and be ready to answer any questions the judge might ask. The more prepared you are, the more confident you will feel in court.

Can you represent yourself in Small Claims Court California?

Yes, you can represent yourself in Small Claims Court in the state of California. In fact, many people do it successfully. The court system encourages people to handle their own cases without lawyer, and the process is designed to be less complicated. At Small claim hearing you are allowed to gather evidence, explain your side of the story, and respond to the other party's claims. In some places, you might not even be allowed to have a lawyer, or lawyer may only be used in certain situations. 

Advantages of representing yourself in Small Claims Court

There are a number of advantages of representing yourself in Small Claims Court. Some of the main benefits are:

Save money

Hiring a lawyer can be expensive. If you represent yourself, you can avoid paying for legal fees.

Simplified process

 There is no need to know a lot of legal terms or procedures as Small Claims Court is meant for people without legal training and the rules are easier to understand.

You stay in control

When you handle your own case, you are in charge of how you present your side of the story. You can make your own decisions about what to say, how to interact with the judge, and how to deal with the other party.

Quick resolution

Small Claims Court is designed to resolve cases quickly. By representing yourself, you can avoid the delays that sometimes happen when lawyers need time to prepare.

Disadvantages of representing yourself in Small Claims Court

While there are advantages to representing yourself, it is not always easy. There are some potential disadvantages as well. Some of which are as follows.

Limited legal knowledge

You might not understand all the rules or legal terms, which could lead to mistakes. For example, you might forget to file important documents or miss deadlines.

Complex small claim cases are harder

Some cases are complicated and involve multiple laws or difficult facts. Without legal training, you might find it hard to manage these issues on your own.

Do you need a lawyer for Small Claims Court California

Emotional stress

Representing yourself can be stressful, especially if you do not have experience in a courtroom. You might feel nervous when talking to the judge or questioning witnesses.

Lack of experience

Without knowing how things work in court, it can be hard to present your case in the best way. You might struggle with making a clear argument or convincing the judge with your evidence.

When should you consider hiring a lawyer in California?

In the state of California, even though Small Claims Court is set up for people to represent themselves, there are times when hiring a lawyer can be a good idea. You might want to hire a lawyer if:

The case is complicated

If your case involves tricky legal issues or multiple parties, it might be too complicated to handle on your own.

The other side has a lawyer

 If the other person has hired a lawyer, it could put you at a disadvantage because their lawyer will know more about the law and how to argue in court.

You are unsure of your rights

If you do not understand your legal rights, especially in cases involving contracts or legal documents, a lawyer can help explain them to you.

You want to appeal the case

If you lose and want to appeal the decision, the process becomes more complex. Appeals often require a deep understanding of legal rules, and it is usually best to have a lawyer handle them.

What can a lawyer do for you in California Small Claims Court?

If you decide to hire a lawyer for Small Claims Court in California, they can help you in several ways. Depending on what you need, a lawyer can:

Review your case

A lawyer can look at the facts of your case and tell you if you have a strong argument.

Prepare documents

Lawyers know how to prepare legal documents, like claims or motions, and make sure they are filed correctly with the court.

Negotiate settlements

 In some cases, disputes can be settled without going to court. A lawyer can help negotiate a fair deal for you.

Represent you in court

In places where lawyers are allowed, they can speak for you in court, present evidence, and argue your case.

Give legal advice

Even if your lawyer does not come to court, they can still give you advice on how to present your case and what to expect.

Do you need a lawyer if the other side has one?

If the other party has hired a lawyer, it can be intimidating to go up against them by yourself. Lawyers know how to use the law to their advantage, and this could make things harder for you if you do not have legal knowledge.

In this situation, you might want to at least talk to a lawyer even if you do not hire them for the whole case. Some lawyers offer limited services, like helping you prepare documents or giving advice, without representing you in court. This can be a good middle ground.

How to prepare for Small Claims Court in California without a lawyer?

If you are going to represent yourself in Small Claims Court, preparation is very important. Here are some things you should do;

Collect evidence

Gather all the documents that support your case, like contracts, receipts, photos, or emails. Make sure they are organized and easy to present.

Understand the Law

You do not need to be a legal expert, but it helps to know the basic laws that apply to your case. You can research online or visit a law library to learn more.

Practice your presentation

Plan out what you are going to say and keep your explanation clear and to the point. 

Know courtroom etiquette

Learn the proper way to speak to the judge and when to talk during the hearing. Being respectful and following the rules will make a good impression.

What are alternatives to hiring a lawyer for Small Claims Court?

If you do not want to hire a lawyer, there are other ways to get help with your small claim case:

Legal aid

Some organizations offer free or low-cost legal help for people who cannot afford a lawyer. They might give you advice or help you prepare your case.

Court workshops

Some courts offer free classes or workshops where you can learn more about how to prepare for Small Claims Court.

Online resources

There are plenty of websites that provide guides and tools for people representing themselves. These resources can help you understand how to file paperwork, gather evidence, and present your case.

Do you need a lawyer for Small Claims Court California

Estimate the cost of hiring an attorney

Even though Small Claims Court is cheaper than other courts, there are still some costs you will need to pay such as filing fee or service fee. If you hire a lawyer, this will add more costs, so it is important to budget for both court fees and legal fees if needed.


In the state of California, the need of a lawyer for Small Claims Court depends on how complicated your case is and how comfortable you feel handling it on your own. In California Small Claims Court is made for people to represent themselves, but in more difficult cases or if a lot of money is involved, a lawyer might be very helpful. By knowing your options, getting ready for court, and thinking about the costs, you can make a wise choice about whether you need a lawyer for your case.

By Serena Whitmore / 09 Sep 2024