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Small Claim Court Inyo County Overview 

Small claim courts in the Inyo County California offers a streamlined and affordable way to resolve minor legal disputes. Inyo County Small claims court works under the jurisdiction of California Superior Court. It allows an individual and businesses to resolve minor dispute without the need of a lawyer. Inyo County small claim courts are easily accessible and cost effective at the same time.

In the Inyo County small claims court individuals can file monetary claim for up to $10,000 and businesses can sue for up to $5,000. The types of disputes you can file in Inyo County include unpaid debts, unpaid rental debt, Personal Injury, Injury to Real Estate or Personal Property, Oral Contract, Written Contract and frauds. Businesses have to keep in view the limitations before filing for instance. You can file as many claims not exceeding the monetary limit of $2,500 per year.

Small Claim Court Inyo County - California

Quick Information about Small Claims Court Inyo County

Inyo County Small Claims Limitation $10,000
Statutes of Limitation (personal injury) 2 Years
Statutes of Limitation (personal damage) 3 Years
Oral Contract 2 Years
Written Contract 4 Years
Fraud 3 Years
Court fee (depending on the amount) $30 up to $75
Process Serving Cost $0-$125
Virtual Hearing Some courts have the option to attend the hearing virtually.

The small claim in Inyo County case should be filed in the right location, usually where the defendant lives or where the dispute occurs. Once the court issues trial dated papers, the defendant must be served with the court papers. This can be done either by private process server services or by certified mail. The small claim papers must be served to defendant at least before 15-20 days before trial date. Inyo County offers self-help centers and online resources to assist with the process.
If Inyo County small claims court judge rules in favor of the plaintiff, they are responsible for collecting the money. The court can provide with ways to collect the judgment. Whereas defendant has the right to appeal the decision, and if the appeal is approved, the case will be heard again in the Superior Court. 

Filing a Small Claims in Inyo County

Filing a Small claims in the Inyo County California deals with the disputes about the money and things an individual or business own. Inyo County small claim courts play an integral role in addressing small claim cases that do not require large monetary damages. You can file small claims in Inyo County small claims court by following the provided process in order;

Send a demand Letter for Payment: Before filing small claims in Inyo County California, send demand letter for payment related to your dispute to the party being sued.

Small Claim court Form:  Prepare your small claims forms before filing a lawsuit in Inyo County California. Before filing, file your small claims lawsuit, you should collect all the evidence.

Submit the papers:   Submit the complete small claim form to the county court and wait for court’s response.

Serve the papers:   Make sure to serve the persons or persons being sued with the small claims lawsuit papers so that they will be well known that a case has been filed against them.

Proof of Service: File the proof of service document with the court as a proof to show that defendant has been served with the small claim complaint form/Summon.

Collect Evidences:  Gather all the evidences to support your claim and prepare yourself for the trial hearing.

Attend Hearing: Attend the scheduled trial hearing. You can also request for online trial hearing in the Inyo County small claims court.

Inyo County Small claims Courts locations and Phone Number

There are two court houses located in Inyo County that handles wide range of small claims lawsuits:

Inyo County Superior Court, Independence Courthouse
Address: 168 North Edwards Street, Independence, CA 93526

Contact No: (760) 872-3038

Inyo County Superior Court, Bishop Courthouse
Address: 301 West Line Street, Bishop, CA 93514

Contact No: (760) 872-3038

What types of cases can be filed in Inyo County Court?

The small claims court in Inyo County California provides a simplified way to resolve different types of disputes. It is important to have clear information about the types of disputes you can file in the Inyo County small claims court. The types of cases that can be resolved in the state of Inyo County small claims court are;

  • Oral Breach of Contract
  • Written Breach of Contract
  • Property damage
  • Personal Injury
  • Collection of Debt
  • Fraud
  • Tenant Damage
  • Security Deposit
  • Warranty (or Defective Product)
  • Loan Default

File Small Claims Court Inyo County

Inyo County Small Claims Court Forms

In the Inyo County small claims court, the forms you will need to file a claim are:

  • Plaintiff's Claim and order to go to Small Claims Court (SC-100)
  • Information for the Small Claims Plaintiff (SC-100-INFO)
  • Proof of Service (SC:104)
  • For requesting the court to postpone the trial date SC-150 form will be used.
  • Order on Request to Postpone Trial (SC:152)
  • Notice of Entry of Judgment (SC-200 or SC-130)
  • Judgment Debtor's Statement of Assets (SC-133)
  • Response to Request to Make Payments (SC-221)

Before filing a small claims forms in Inyo County, the plaintiff needs to fill in information about defendant complete name, address, the amount he/she is suing and the reason of suing. Defendant’s address is very important in the small claims filing process while filling up the form so that the court papers will be served at the fine address without waste of time and money. SC-100- Info Form contains all the necessary information of filing for both plaintiff and defendant which also helps to understand in filling up the form. You cannot serve the small claims papers to defendant himself. The SC-100 should be served to defendant via certified mail or private process server.

Small claims Court Inyo County Statues of Limitation 

Before filing a small claim case knowing proper information about the statutes of limitation in the Inyo County state of California is crucial. An individual or a business may lose the case if they try to file after the deadline has passed.

  • Statute of limitations for filing a small claim in Inyo County related to personal injury is 2 years.  
  • Property damage claim can be filed within the time limitation of 3 years from the date property was damaged.
  • For Written breach of contract, the time limitation to file in Inyo County small claim court is 4 years.
  • For Oral breach of contract, the time limitation to file small claim is 2 years.
  • The time period for fraud dispute in Inyo County small claim court is 3 years.

Can I file small claims in Inyo County?

Yes, you can file a small claims lawsuit in Inyo County. The following conditions should be met for filing small claims in Inyo County.

  • If you live Inyo County, you can file your case there. 
  • You must be above 18 years of age
  • You are eligible of filing a small claims lawsuit if the person or business you are suing lives in Inyo County. 
  • You can also file small claim in Inyo County court if the problem or disagreement happened there.

Small Claims Court Online Filing in Inyo County


How to file a small claims case in Inyo County?

For filing a small claims in Inyo County, small claims form SC-100 i.e. "Plaintiff's Claim and Order to Go to Small Claims Court" needs to be fill out. The small claims should be filed in the county where defendant resides or the dispute occurred. Select the proper court location for filing a small claim in Inyo County.

Inyo County small claims filing fee ranges from $30 to $75 depending upon the amount you sued. The court that handles wide range of small claims lawsuits in Inyo County CA is Superior Court. Create a money order addressed to Inyo County Superior Court Clerk and send it via certified mail at; 

Inyo County Superior Court, Independence Courthouse
Address: 168 North Edwards Street, Independence, CA 93526

Contact No: (760) 872-3038

Inyo County Superior Court, Bishop Courthouse
Address: 301 West Line Street, Bishop, CA 93514

Contact No: (760) 872-3038

Once your papers are submitted, you will receive a response form the court within 15 days. The defendant must be served with the court papers, which can be done through private process server services, or certified mail. The serving of the papers must be completed within a specific timeframe before the court date. There are several self-help centers in Inyo County to assist with forms and filing procedures,  

Inyo County Small Claims Court Limit

In the Inyo County small claims court you can file cases involving small amounts of money. 

  • The maximum amount an individual can ask for is $10,000.
  • Business entities and Corporations can ask for $5,000 and less
  • You can file as many claims not exceeding the monetary limit of $10,000.

Inyo County Small Claims Court Filing Fees 

The amount of claim determines the court fee for filing a small claim case in the Inyo County small claims court are; 

  • The small claims filing fee up to the amount of $1500 is $30. 
  • For the amount more than $1500 to $5,000, the filing fee is $50 
  • The small claims filing fee up to the amount of $5000 but less than or equal to $10,000 is $75.

How to prepare Small Claims Court Inyo County hearing?

Once you have filed your small claims lawsuit in Inyo County and served the person being sued, now the next step is to prepare for your Small Claims Court hearing.

Better Understanding of Laws:   It is very important to learn about the laws of Inyo County small claims California. If you don't know the laws related to your case, you can talk to a lawyer or look it up online. Better understanding of laws will help to defend your claim fairly.

Organization of Supporting Documents: Gather and organize all important documents like invoices, contracts, and receipts as evidences to support your claim before the judge on your trial day

Case Preparation:   Prepare yourself to explain to the judge why you are suing. In case you are the person being sued, prepare to answer why you don't owe the money.

Estimate court costs: It is important measure to collect receipts of all the costs you spent while filing the small claims lawsuit in order to request and reimbursed for these costs.

Make Copies: Make copies of each and every filing documents and supporting evidences.

What happens on hearing in small claims process in Inyo County Court CA?

Inyo County small claims hearing process is easily accessible, and the hearing do not last for long period of time. In fact, the hearing process is straight forward.

Make sure to arrive the court on time on the hearing day. Find your case by reviewing for a paper schedule outside the courtroom door. Find your case schedule in the displayed list. In case you received a court notice but can’t find it then you can take sheriff or court’s assistance.

While waiting for your hearing organize your documents and evidences. Your case will be called upon as per the schedule. Once the hearing starts, the judge will ask about the reason of filing the dispute. The hearing will last about approximately 15 minutes in which both parties will represent their side of story.

The judge will either announce the decision right away, you will receive the decision by mail within a few weeks to two months. If only plaintiff showed up on the hearing, he/she needs to prove to the judge why they should win. In case if only the defendant shows up the judge will dismiss the case by issuing a proper notice.

Can Attorney represent my small claims case in Inyo County?

In the Inyo County small claims court, attorneys are generally not allowed. In case the defendant is not satisfied with the court final judgement, then he/she can file an appeal and can ask for the services of attorney to defend and represent themselves in the appeal hearings.

Generally, attorneys are not allowed in the small claims court but you take assistance for preparation of the case. If you file an appeal against the court final judgement then the case will be heard in the superior court and attorneys are allowed in these types of cases.

Small Claim Meditation

Mediation is a voluntary meeting between plaintiff and defendant offered by a neutral third party. Small claims court in the Inyo County also offers mediation assistance to both parties involved in the dispute.

Most civil disputes are settled without going to court, and many lawsuits are resolved before reaching a trial. The Inyo County Court offer Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods to help people solve their issues without a trial. ADR is usually less formal, cheaper, and quicker than a trial. It also allows people more control over when and how their dispute is resolved.

Mediators for Alternative Dispute Resolution are available at the courthouse and help both parties to resolve the dispute before representing it to the judge. The court clerk or sheriff will let you know either the mediator is available on the day of your trail hearing. Mediation is usually free or less expensive than going to the trial.

How to prepare for Mediation

Following key points should be kept in mind while preparing for mediation;

  • Mediators and clients should be ready to talk about all important issues. 
  • Before mediation, they should discuss the process and understand it is private and non-binding. 
  • Mediators should also talk with their clients about the full costs of going to trial, without hiding any expenses.
  • During mediation, both sides should clearly explain their own views and listen carefully to the other side.

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